In Search of Skinny Jeans

Just another weblog

I hope you dance… April 16, 2010

Filed under: dance,samantha,video — Lauren Warner @ 4:53 pm

My oldest daughter is constantly making me crazy and making me laugh. She reminds me daily to slow down, smell the dandelions, not to inhale before blowing the dandelion seeds, to wear my sunglasses upside down and to “EAT!”. Last night she reminded me to dance. I love you Samantha!


Books…anyone want? April 12, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 9:46 pm

I have a couple of design/computer books up for grabs.

Adobe Illustrator CS2, Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, InDesign CS2, Photoshop Tips & Tricks, Illustration, Graphic Design Solutions, Idea Index….

If you would like any/all just let me know. Free. If I need to ship them all I ask is for the cost of shipping via PayPal.


Depending on what else I find, you may get a couple of extras if you want any of them. 😉


I think I can get it….

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 9:41 pm

Madison is slowly getting more control over her appendages. She gets such a concentrated look on her face, though, that it makes me laugh.

“I know that goes in my mouth….”


Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 9:25 pm

I think I’m slowing losing my mind. 🙂

For those of you who don’t know (and who care) we have moved into our own apartment on Prospect Church Road. I’m not posting the address because I might not want you to come! Text me if you’d like to visit. It’s a disaster area right now. However, if you’d like to help haul some boxes and such I’m happy to pay in brownies or dinner.

It’s not a big apartment but it’s ours. We have a tiny little living room, a nice patio, two good sized bedrooms, a strange shaped bathroom and a large laundry room. We are minutes from family and friends (really not any further away than before).

Samantha is having a hard time with the transition. Poor kid keeps waking up in the middle of the night and running down the hall in her sleep. Last night she was basically running into the walls and crying. Makes me sad but I kinda have to chuckle. She looks so disgruntled.

I have so much help. So many things going on.

Helper #1 (who drove me to the Excedrin mentioned below)

Helper #1 (aka Samantha) had had horns today. I understand that the transition is a challenge for a toddler but is it OK for me to stick her in one of our empty boxes for a while? Maybe ship her to her Aunt Heather in Taiwan? She drove me to both Extreme Moose Tracks ice cream and Excedrin today. Nap time was enough to drive me to …. the loony bin.

Helper #2

Helper #2 (aka Madison), on the other hand, went right to sleep and slept for 2 hours straight without a peep. Now, if only I could get them to coordinate their naps…

Such are the fantasies of a mother…

So, on to the tour of the destruction…

Anybody want some boxes? That’s part of our patio.

That’s the disaster that I have to turn into a living room.

And…the kitchen table.

And…the laundry room.


Don’t Go Shopping When Upset March 15, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 1:47 am

So, the moral of the story is this. Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re emotionally upset.

My intention was to go get milk and veggies. I came back with chocolate milk, Double Stuff Oreos, swiss cake rolls and Starbucks ice cream. I also got some normal food but all in all it was a horribly junk-food loaded shopping experience. I’m tired of people in the house complaining about not having food in the house, despite the loaded cabinets. What they mean is that there’s nothing that can be nuked in 2 minutes.


Back To My Blog March 14, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 4:55 am

I’ve been MIA from this blog for nearly a month. I have no good excuses. Life just got in the way. My mom was in ICU with pneumonia for a week in Florida (not a way I’d suggest spending your vacation, by the way) and the the last two weeks have been spent with at least one person in the house sick. 

So. Now that my excuses have been made, here are my updates.

As soon as I got home from Florida, knowing that my mom would be alright and would be discharged in a few days, I went through every piece of food in our house and tossed anything with high fructose syrup in it. I was amazed and horrified at how much stuff we had with that crap in it. 

I also picked up a new book, Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day and have started making my own bread. I just couldn’t keep it up when I tried the traditional methods and this method gives such great results I can’t find a reason to do it the “old fashioned” way. 

Aaron and I chose to sell our gaming systems in favor of spending more time outside with Samantha and Madison. We’ve started taking walks with the girls in their little red wagon and Samantha is loving it. When the weather is nice we take her to the playground. It’s so much fun to go outside with her and watch her discover stuff. Exercise is just a fringe benefit. 

Starting next week my mom and I will be going to water aerobics 2-3 times a week. She promised Heather, my middle sister who moved to Taiwan, that she’d follow through.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised that by cutting out the crap with HFCS and eating more homemade meals (which equals more fresh fruits and veggies) I’ve managed to drop another 5 lbs. Not a huge amount but I’ve basically done nothing more than start cooking with the stove instead of the microwave. I’ve found some spectacular recipes in the process.

I’ve also found a new blog that I fell in love with. Please check out The Pioneer Woman. She cracks me up on a regular basis and I’m always learning something new from her. Of all the people I’ve “met” through their blogs, I’d love to sit down to dinner with her and her “punks”. They sound like a real down-to-earth family.


Are You Getting Too Much Sleep? February 17, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 4:41 am

Are You Getting Too Much Sleep?


The SARS Epidemic: Are Viruses Taking the Rap for Industrial Poisons? | Environmental Toxins February 15, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 3:10 am

The SARS Epidemic: Are Viruses Taking the Rap for Industrial Poisons? | Environmental Toxins


Fluoridation: The Fraud of the Century

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 2:52 am

Fluoridation: The Fraud of the Century


Why Babies Should Not be Fed Soy | Soy Alert!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren Warner @ 2:40 am

Why Babies Should Not be Fed Soy | Soy Alert!